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Версии LWC. Версии LWC Lwc плагин 1.12 2

LWC is the longest-lived single block protection plugin that protects both the block itself and contents of Chests, Furnaces, and Dispensers. It can also protect any other blocks, and by default will also protect Doors (Wooden + Iron), Signs and Trap Doors.

Blocks can be protected with three basic protection types:


By default, only you can access this protection. You can also modify it (or specify when creating) to add other players or groups to the protection, so they can access it. Say you wanted Notch and Hidendra to both access the protection. When creating the protection, you could do /cprivate Notch Hidendra or if it already exists /cmodify Notch Hidendra . If you wanted to remove Hidendra from the private protection, you can use /cremove -Notch


A password is set on the protection and anyone that knows the password can open it. You yourself also need this password each time you log in.


Mainly targeted at community chests, a Public chest means just that: anyone can access it, but no one can protect it which makes it advantageous because it cannot be made private by someone else.


  • /lwc - The LWC command for everything , however aliases are available to make some commands shorter. Type /lwc in-game for more detailed help.
  • /cprivate - The alias of /lwc create private (or /lwc -c private), it creates a private protection.
  • /cpassword The alias of /lwc create password It creates a passworded protection.
  • /cpublic - The alias of /lwc create public, it creates a public protection
  • /cremove - Allows you to remove a protection you own (or if you"re an LWC admin, any protection) - you must click on the protection after using /cremove in order to remove it.
  • /cunlock Allows you to attempt to gain access to a passworded protection after LWC tells you you attempted to open a password protection.
  • ... more! There are aliases for all major used commands and every alias is not listed here.


Basic permissions:

  • lwc.protect - Allows the player to create and manage their own protections. It also allows them to use enabled modes and flags.
  • lwc.mod - Allows the player to open any chest, but not remove them.
  • lwc.admin - Gives the player absolute power to LWC - this node should be considered dangerous if used incorrectly as this node essentially gives you the right to destroy every protection (and even the block & inventory contents associated with it) in one command!
  • lwc.deny - Prevents players with this node from interacting with anything LWC can protect. For example, from opening or destroying protected and unprotected chests, furnaces, etc if protectable.

Общие правила пользования

На этой странице вы получите ответы на слудующие вопросы: Как заприватить сундук в майнкрафт? Как заприватить дверь в майнкрафт? Какие команды привата? Как защитить сундук от гриферов? Какие команды LWC?

Защитить приватом можно двери, таблички, печь и раздатчик.

При попытке открыть защищённый другим игроком сундук, он увидит сообщение «This chest is locked with a magical spell» Поэтому поломать либо открыть такой сундук постороннему игроку нельзя.

После ввода комманды, кликните по обьекту левой кнопкой мыши, который хотите заприватить.

Комманды LWC:

/cpublic - Сделать доступным для всех игроков
/cpassword - Установить пароль на предмет
/cprivate - Сделать предмет доступным только для себя
/cunlock - Убрать пароль с предмета
/cinfo - Получить информацию о защищённом обьекте
/cremove - Удалить поставленную собой защиту с данного предмета
/cmodify <перечислить игроков> Добавить игроков, которым будет доступен предмет
/climits - Получить информацию о лимите

Некоторые команды-синонимы:

/lwc –c private [ник игрока] - сундук доступен игроку с данным ником. (если ник не указан, сундук будет доступен только вам)

/lwc –m [ники игроков, через запятую] - указывает, кто еще может пользоваться вашим приватным сундуком. Например /lwc –m 111 222 позволит пользоваться вашим сундуком игрокам 111 и 222

/lwc –c private [ник игрока] g:[имя группы] [ники игроков через запятую] - запирает сундук и создает группу игроков, которая может пользоваться сундуком.

/lwc –c public - сундук доступен всем игрокам. Никто кроме вас не сможет сделать этот сундук приватным.

Настройка Permissions для LWC:

lwc.protect - Команды для обычных игроков. Дает обычным пользователям стандартный набор команд.

lwc.mod - Команда для модератора. Позволяет группе/пользователю получать доступ к любой защите, кроме принадлежавших администратору LWC

lwc.admin - Команда для Администратора Полноценный доступ к LWC защите других игроков

lwc.blockinventory - Команда для блокировки LWC Блокирует группу/пользователя от взаимодействия с чем-либо, что LWC может защитить. Наличие lwc.protect переопределит это.

LWC is the longest-lived single block protection plugin that protects both the block itself and contents of Chests, Furnaces, and Dispensers. It can also protect any other blocks, and by default will also protect Doors (Wooden + Iron), Signs and Trap Doors.

Blocks can be protected with three basic protection types:


By default, only you can access this protection. You can also modify it (or specify when creating) to add other players or groups to the protection, so they can access it. Say you wanted Notch and Hidendra to both access the protection. When creating the protection, you could do /cprivate Notch Hidendra or if it already exists /cmodify Notch Hidendra . If you wanted to remove Hidendra from the private protection, you can use /cremove -Notch


A password is set on the protection and anyone that knows the password can open it. You yourself also need this password each time you log in.


Mainly targeted at community chests, a Public chest means just that: anyone can access it, but no one can protect it which makes it advantageous because it cannot be made private by someone else.


  • /lwc - The LWC command for everything , however aliases are available to make some commands shorter. Type /lwc in-game for more detailed help.
  • /cprivate - The alias of /lwc create private (or /lwc -c private), it creates a private protection.
  • /cpassword The alias of /lwc create password It creates a passworded protection.
  • /cpublic - The alias of /lwc create public, it creates a public protection
  • /cremove - Allows you to remove a protection you own (or if you"re an LWC admin, any protection) - you must click on the protection after using /cremove in order to remove it.
  • /cunlock Allows you to attempt to gain access to a passworded protection after LWC tells you you attempted to open a password protection.
  • ... more! There are aliases for all major used commands and every alias is not listed here.


Basic permissions:

  • lwc.protect - Allows the player to create and manage their own protections. It also allows them to use enabled modes and flags.
  • lwc.mod - Allows the player to open any chest, but not remove them.
  • lwc.admin - Gives the player absolute power to LWC - this node should be considered dangerous if used incorrectly as this node essentially gives you the right to destroy every protection (and even the block & inventory contents associated with it) in one command!
  • lwc.deny - Prevents players with this node from interacting with anything LWC can protect. For example, from opening or destroying protected and unprotected chests, furnaces, etc if protectable.